Jan 06, 2024
Released 18th August 2023
- The ability to Hide the Adjustment Pay Types on the Printed Pay Slip. (20230815)
- The ability to Hide the Quantity on the Printed Pay Slip for all Pay Rates. (20230815)
- System Default Pay Rate - Rostered Days Off (Cashed Out). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Time and Quarter (Incorrect Rate). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Time and Half (Incorrect Rate). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Double Time (Incorrect Rate). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Double Time and Quarter (Incorrect Rate). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Double Time and Half (Incorrect Rate). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Triple Time (Incorrect Rate). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Travel (Overtime) (Incorrect Rate). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Training (Overtime) (Incorrect Rate). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Compassionate & Bereavement Leave (Incorrect Hours). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Compassionate & Bereavement Leave (Incorrect Rate). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Leave - Other (Incorrect Hours). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Leave - Other (Incorrect Rate). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Rostered Day Off (Incorrect Hours). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Rostered Day Off (Incorrect Rate). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Unused Rostered Days Off (Equal to or less than the Cap). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Unused Rostered Days Off (More than the Cap). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Death Benefit Rostered Days Off (Tax Free). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Death Benefit Rostered Days Off (Equal to or less than the Cap). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Death Benefit Rostered Days Off (More than the Cap). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Unpaid Compassionate & Bereavement Leave (Death Benefit). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Unpaid Leave - Other (Death Benefit). (20230817)
- System Default Pay Rate - Unpaid Rostered Day Off (Death Benefit). (20230817)
- Excel Options have been hidden from all pages as the ability to import/export has not yet been included. (20230818)
- Changed Time and Quarter (Incorrect Hours or Rate) to Time and Quarter (Incorrect Hours). (20230817)
- Changed Time and Half (Incorrect Hours or Rate) to Time and Half (Incorrect Hours). (20230817)
- Changed Double Time (Incorrect Hours or Rate) to Double Time (Incorrect Hours). (20230817)
- Changed Double Time and Quarter (Incorrect Hours or Rate) to Double Time and Quarter (Incorrect Hours). (20230817)
- Changed Double Time and Half (Incorrect Hours or Rate) to Double Time and Half (Incorrect Hours). (20230817)
- Changed Triple Time (Incorrect Hours or Rate) to Triple Time (Incorrect Hours). (20230817)
- Changed Travel (Overtime) (Incorrect Hours or Rate) to Travel (Overtime) (Incorrect Hours). (20230817)
- Changed Training (Overtime) (Incorrect Hours or Rate) to Training (Overtime) (Incorrect Hours). (20230817)
- The OTE Checkbox is now enabled within Superannuation in User Modified Pay Rates, except those in Categories Reimbursements and Adjustments. (20230815)
- The Hours for Employer SG Checkbox is now enabled within Superannuation in User Modified Pay Rates, except those in Categories Reimbursements and Adjustments. (20230815)
Issues Resolved
- Pay Types were missing from the Pay Advice Slip, which caused the YTD total yo be incorrect. (20230815)
- The Reallocate Superannuation Payments Alert (Modal) was not displayed as expected when Use Employer Superannuation Contribution Details? was selected. (20230817)
- The correct fact was not being referenced when creating an STP Submission for a user with a WPN> (20230815)
- The User Profile picture would not update until the account was logged out and in again. (20230815)
- The User Profile picture would not update if the window was not closed and reopened. (20230815)
- The default Weeks Per Year setting is now 52.00 Weeks in Organisation Pay Run Settings. (20230815)
- An internal error was displayed after attempting to create the SuperStream File. (20230810)
- Uncaught floating point error, which caused issues with rounding, was located within the SuperStream ABA File. (20230815)
- Unable to sort by the Payees Table Headings in Cost Centres. (20230815)
- Unable to change the page to update the Payees Table in Cost Centres. (20230815)
- The Reallocate Superannuation Payments Alert (Modal) was not displayed as expected when multiple Funds were changed. (20230815)
- When adding a new Payee, Gender and Modern Award/Agreement were not displayed as a mandatory field. (20230815)
- When editing an existing Payee, Modern Award/Agreement was not displayed as a mandatory field. (20230815)
- When either >> or << is selected, the Report options are closed for the Pay Rate Transactions Report. (20230815)
- An Internal Error was displayed if either the From OR To Date is not selected in Reports - Report Options. (20230815)
- The Outstanding Hours / Cost Estimate is not showing the correct value as Opening Balance Hours was missing from the Leave Liability Report. (20230815)
- Payees included in a current Pay Run (STP Status = Validation Error) should not be edited. (20230815)
- When all Payee Bank Accounts are deleted and the payment method is set back to Cash, the changes were not saved. (20230814)
- Cents were missing from PAYGW in Process, Reports and the STP Submission when the Payees Payment Method was set to Cash. (20230814)
- Gross Income (W1) was not correctly reduced when a Payee was removed from the Pay Run. (20230814)
- Gross Income (W1) was not correctly calculated when a payment that uses Schedule 5, Method B (o) or (ii) and a Salary Sacrifice Deduction were included in the pay run. (20230814)
- The Back Payments Alert (Modal) did not display as expected. (20230814)
- The Gross Income for previous pay runs was incorrect when Less than 12 Months and Current Financial Year were selected within the Back Payments Alert (Modal). (20230814)
- Where all bank accounts are set to $, and the TOTAL NET is LESS than the amounts defined in Banking, payments are now disbursed in order based on Payee, ignoring any accounts that cannot be used within FAST-Bank. (20230814)
- Where all bank accounts are set to $, and the TOTAL NET is MORE than the amounts defined in Banking, payments are now disbursed in order based on Payee, with the 'overpayment' being paid into the last account within FAST-Bank. (20230814)
- When a Pay Type is loaded from either Advanced or Basic Pay Set Up, the relevant STP Code was not displayed (where required) in Process. (20230814)
- Employer SG was incorrectly calculated for Pay Rates with OTE deselected when the Under 18 Super Rule was applied in Process. (20230814)
- The values entered in Cost Centre Allocation seem to be removed when the window was closed in Process. (20230814)
- Allocate Cost Centres no longer needs to be selected to populate the Cost Centre Transactions Report. (20230814)
- The Previous BMS ID Alert Text is no longer displayed for a Pay Run which has been successfully STP Reported. (20230814)
- The Pay Day is in the past Alert Text is no longer displayed for a Pay Run which has been successfully STP Reported. (20230814)
- When adding a new Payee and Employment Basis = Casual is selected, the correct Leave Entitlement rules are not being imported from the Award/Agreement. (20230809)
- When adding or editing a Payee, the Commencing From Date could not be set as required for all Leave Types. (20230809)
- When a new user is added to an existing ACTIVE Tenant, they are no longer notified that they will be advised when their tenant is active. (20230809)
- A DataTable error was displayed when attempting to editing a Payee with a Deduction assigned in Pay Template. (20230809)
- The Gross Income ≥ Alert (Modal) is no longer closed when Ok is selected if an invalid TFN has been entered in Payees and Process. (20230809)
- The Gross Income ≥ Alert (Modal) is no longer re-displayed when Ok is selected if 111-111-111 has been entered in Payees and Process. (20230809)
- The Gross Income ≥ Alert (Modal) is no longer displayed when a Deducted is added in Process. (20230809)
- When less than 12 months overdue and Current Financial Year was selected in the Back Payments Alert (Modal), The Gross Income for prior pay run/s was not correctly detailed. (20230809)
- An Save Error was displayed Of the ETP Type Code was not selected for the relevant Pay Rates in Process. (20230809)
- The PAYGW Adjustment was incorrectly included in the Total Gross in some reports. (20230809)
- FYE 30 June 2023 did not exist for some customers in EOFY Manager. (20230809)