Jan 06, 2024
Released 15th September 2023, Last Updated 27 September 2023.
- Payee Tax Treatment Foreign Resident can now be selected when adding and editing a payee with the relevant settings. (20230827)
- Payee Tax Treatment Horticulturists and Shearers can now be selected when adding and editing a payee with the relevant settings. (20230905)
- Payee Tax Treatment Seasonal Worker Programme can now be selected when adding and editing a payee with the relevant settings. (20230905)
- To cater for payments to a beneficiary when the payee passes away, Beneficiary has been added to the Payee Master File. (20230905)
- The Beneficiary Details are used in place of the Payees within the STP Submission. (20230905)
- The ability to select Deceased within the Cease Employment Alert (Modal). (20230905)
- Add a User Defined Award Name when Modern Award is set to National Employment Standards, QLD Award or WA Award. (20230825)
- Previously added User Defined Award Names are stored and can be selected within new Awards. (20230825)
- If Beneficiary details do not exist within the Payee Master File when Deceased is selected within the Cease Employment Alert (Modal), the Pay Run cannot be processed. (20230913)
- Leave Pay Types can now be added in Pay Template within the Payee Master File. (20230914)
- Updated the Exit Without Saving Alert (Modal) to display when escape is selected. (20230912)
- Updated the Average Weekly Taxable Earnings calculation within the Schedule 7 Marginal Tax Calculation Alert (Modal). (20230912)
- Updated the Sort Criteria for the Pay Advice Slip in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230908)
- Updated the Sort Criteria for the Pay Advice Summary Report in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230908)
- Updated the Sort Criteria for the EFT Disbursements Report in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230908)
- Updated the Sort Criteria for the Cash Disbursements Report in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230908)
- Updated the Sort Criteria for the Pay Run Analysis Report in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230908)
- Updated the Sort Criteria for the Pay Run Analysis (Detailed) Report in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230908)
- Updated the Sort Criteria for the Payee Ordinary Time Hours Summary Report in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230908)
- Updated the Sort Criteria for the Payee Overtime Hours Summary Report in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230908)
- Updated the Sort Criteria for the Payee Transactions Report in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230908)
- RESC was not displaying the correct value in the Payee Transactions Report in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230907)
- Removed the second print modal from within Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230907)
- The Tax File Number Not Quoted Alert (Modal) has been amended to include Tax Treatments Foreign Resident, Horticulturists and Shearers & Seasonal Worker Programme. (20230905)
- The Residency for Taxation Purposes Updated Alert (Modal) has been amended to include Tax Treatments Foreign Resident, Horticulturists and Shearers & Seasonal Worker Programme. (20230905)
- The Tax File Number Updated Alert (Modal) has been amended to include Tax Treatments Foreign Resident, Horticulturists and Shearers & Seasonal Worker Programme. (20230905)
- The Tax Treatment Updated Alert (Modal) has been amended to include Tax Treatments Foreign Resident, Horticulturists and Shearers & Seasonal Worker Programme. (20230905)
- The 28 Day Period has ended Alert (Modal) within the Payee Master File has been amended to include Tax Treatments Foreign Resident, Horticulturists and Shearers & Seasonal Worker Programme. (20230905)
- The 28 Day Period has ended Alert (Modal) within the Payees Page in Pay Run has been amended to include Tax Treatments Foreign Resident, Horticulturists and Shearers & Seasonal Worker Programme. (20230905)
- Updated the Classification Options displayed in Award/Agreements based on Fair Works Modern Award API. (20230905)
- Updated Agreement Name to be Award/Agreement Name in the Awards/Agreements List, which now displays the User Defined Award Name. (20230905)
- The Payee limit for the Micro Plan has been changed from 5 to 4 Payees. (20230904)
- Award Name and Annual Salary are now displayed in the Modern Award / Agreement Name Drop Down within the Payee Master File. (20230827)
- The User Defined Award Name is now displayed within the Payee Master File. (20230827)
- The Foreign Resident Alert (Modal) has been removed due to the inclusion of Tax Treatment Foreign Resident. (20230827)
- The Foreign Resident Alert Text has been removed due to the inclusion of Tax Treatment Foreign Resident. (20230827)
- Added Salary, Annual, Sick, Long, Other and RDO to the Awards/Agreements List. (20230825)
- User Defined Agreement Names can now be stored and selected within new Agreements. (20230825)
Issues Resolved
- When there was only one Pay Type in Process and QTY/Hours was changed, the adjustment in Allocate Cost Centres was unable to be saved. (20230914)
- Updated the calculations on the Leave Liability Report. (20230912)
- If the Payee Personal Superannuation Fund is not selected, the relevant Superannuation Deductions cannot be selected in the Pay Template within the Payee Master File. (20230912)
- Blank Pay Types can no longer be added in the Pay Template within the Payee Master File. (20230912)
- Pay Run Reports displayed incorrect values when two pay runs existed with the same period start, end and pay date dates - the values for both the first and second pay runs were displaying no matter which pay run was opened. (20230912)
- The Total Periodic Superannuation Contributions Report incorrectly included Salary Sacrifice Deductions for non-super payments. (20230912)
- The Payee Periodic Superannuation Contributions Report incorrectly included Salary Sacrifice Deductions for non-super payments. (20230912)
- The Labels for Annual Leave and Sick & Carer's Leave are now hidden for Casual Payees on the Pay Advice Slips in Main and Pay Run Reports. (20230911)
- The Cashing Out Leave Alert (Modal) was displayed on the Pay Day Page. (20230911)
- The Cashing Out Leave Alert (Modal) was displayed multiple times in the Process Page. (20230911)
- When signing up, the Legacy Entity Name can now be up to 200 characters. (20230908)
- When a new user signed up through the website, they were advised that a notification would be sent once the tenant was activated, even though it was. (20230908)
- Some customers managed to submit multiple Support Requests, therefore Submit is now disabled once it has been selected while your request is being logged. (20230908)
- When an ABA file is created with the SuperStream File before the period has ended, the Payment Date within the ABA File is now the current date. (20230908)
- The Last Updated Date in View STP Submissions now displays local time, rather than UTC: (20230908)
- When changing Reports, the Payees Report Option is no longer kept and used for the next Report. (20230907)
- The Pay Period ID was not unique when the same Period Start, End and Pay Day dates were chosen. (20230907)
- As the Pay Period ID was not unique, this caused an issue with the values displayed on all Reports within Pay Run - the values for the first pay run were doubled rather than displaying the actual value of the second pay run. (20230907)
- Ceased Payees were still displayed despite being deselected within the Payees Page in Pay Run. (20230907)
- An internal error is displayed, and the payee cannot be opened when a user-modified pay type has been added in Opening / Adjustment Taxation Balances. (20230905)
- Visual Settings has been removed, as the functionality needs to be redesigned. (20230905)
- The Cost Centre Transactions Report has been updated to remove previous Deduction Transactions for all customers. (20230904)