Mar 04, 2025
Cancel your e-PayDay Go Subscription
- Cancel your e-PayDay Go FREEPAY Subscription.
- Cancel your e-PayDay Go Paid Plan Subscription.
- Cancel your e-PayDay Go Overdue (Paid Plan) Subscription.
- Cancel your e-PayDay Go Archive Plan Subscription.
Cancel your e-PayDay Go FREEPAY Subscription.
🎯 If your FREEEPAY Subscription is cancelled, your Tenant will be deleted at 11:59 pm on the evening the request is received unless Undo Subscription Plan Cancellation is completed.
- Within e-PayDay Go, select Administration from the side navigation menu.
- Select Subscription.
- Select Cancel.
- The Cancel Subscription (FREEPAY Plan) Alert (Modal) is displayed.
- To cancel your subscription, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.
- If Yes is selected, the Data Deletion (FREEPAY Plan) Alert (Modal) is displayed.
- If you wish to continue cancelling your Subscription, select Delete my Data. Otherwise, select Cancel.
- If Delete my Data is selected, the Subscription Information Page will be updated.
Cancel your e-PayDay Go Paid Plan Subscription.
🎯 If your Paid Subscription Plan is cancelled, you will retain full access until expiration. After this, only Subscription information can be accessed unless you Undo the Subscription Plan Cancellation.
- Within e-PayDay Go, select Administration.
- Select Subscription.
- Select Cancel.
- The Cancel Subscription (Paid Plan) Alert (Modal) is displayed. To cancel your subscription plan, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.
- If Yes is selected, the Subscribe to Archive Plan Alert (Modal) is displayed. If you wish to retain access to your data, select Choose Archive Plan. Otherwise, select Cancel my Subscription.
- If Choose Archive Plan is selected, The Subscription Information page will be displayed. Select Continue to proceed with changing to the Archive plan. Otherwise, select Back.
- If Continue is selected, the Payment Successful page will be displayed once your payment has been successfully processed.
- Select Go to Subscription to navigate back to the Subscription Information Page.
- Select Ok to confirm the changes have been enacted.
- If Cancel my Subscription is selected, the Data Deletion (Paid Plan) Alert (Modal) is displayed.
- If you wish to continue cancelling your Subscription Plan, select Delete my Data on DD Month YY. Otherwise, select Cancel.
- If Delete my Data on DD Month YY is selected, the Subscription Information Page will be updated.
- If Yes is selected, the Subscribe to Archive Plan Alert (Modal) is displayed. If you wish to retain access to your data, select Choose Archive Plan. Otherwise, select Cancel my Subscription.
Cancel your e-PayDay Go Overdue (Paid Plan) Subscription.
🎯 If your Subscription plan payment cannot be processed on the due date, Subscription Information will be automatically displayed when you log in.
🎯 If your Subscription plan is cancelled and has expired, you cannot access anything other than Subscription information unless Pay your Overdue Subscription Plan Payment is completed.
- Select Cancel.
- The Cancel Subscription (Paid Plan) Alert (Modal) is displayed. To cancel your subscription plan, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.
- If Yes is selected, the Subscribe to Archive Plan Alert (Modal) is displayed. If you wish to retain access to your data, select Choose Archive Plan. Otherwise, select Cancel my Subscription.
- If Choose Archive Plan is selected, The Subscription Information page will be displayed. Select Continue to proceed with changing to the Archive plan. Otherwise, select Back.
- If Continue is selected, the Payment Successful page will be displayed once your payment has been successfully processed.
- Select Go to Subscription to navigate back to the Subscription Information Page.
- Select Ok to confirm the changes have been enacted.
- If Cancel my Subscription is selected, the Data Deletion (Paid Plan) Alert (Modal) is displayed.
- If you wish to continue cancelling your Subscription Plan, select Delete my Data on DD Month YY. Otherwise, select Cancel.
- If Delete my Data on DD Month YY is selected, the Subscription Information Page will be updated.
- If Yes is selected, the Subscribe to Archive Plan Alert (Modal) is displayed. If you wish to retain access to your data, select Choose Archive Plan. Otherwise, select Cancel my Subscription.
Cancel your e-PayDay Go Archive Plan Subscription.
🎯 If your Paid Subscription Plan is cancelled, you will retain full access until expiration. After this, only Subscription information can be accessed unless you Undo the Subscription Plan Cancellation.
- Within e-PayDay Go, select Administration.
- Select Subscription.
- Select Cancel.
- The Cancel Subscription (Archive Plan) Alert (Modal) is displayed. To cancel your subscription plan, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.
- If Yes is selected, the Data Deletion (Paid Plan) Alert (Modal) is displayed.
- If you wish to continue cancelling your Subscription Plan, select Delete my Data on DD Month YY. Otherwise, select Cancel.
- If Delete my Data on DD Month YY is selected, the Subscription Information Page will be updated.
- If Yes is selected, the Data Deletion (Paid Plan) Alert (Modal) is displayed.