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IMPORTANT UPDATE: The e-PayDay Go Payroll App has changed to
Home > Administration > Subscription FAQ's > Undo the cancellation of your e-PayDay Go Subscription
Undo the cancellation of your e-PayDay Go Subscription
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Undo the cancellation of your e-PayDay Go Subscription.

  1. Within e-PayDay Go, select Administration.
  2. Select Subscription.
  3. Select Undo Cancellation.
  4. The Plan Change page will be displayed. Choose Select beneath the Edition suitable to your requirements.
  5. The following Page is displayed. Select Continue to proceed with undoing the cancellation. Otherwise, select Back to choose a different Plan. 
    👉 If Continue is selected, the Payment Confirmation page will be displayed once your payment has been processed.
  6. Select Go to Subscription to navigate back to the Subscription Information Page. 
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