Mar 04, 2025
Change your e-PayDay Go Subscription Plan.
- Upgrade your e-PayDay Go Subscription Plan.
- Downgrade your e-PayDay Go Subscription Plan.
- Change your Plan Level from Essential to Advanced.
- Change your Plan Level from Advanced to Essential.
Upgrade your e-PayDay Go Subscription Plan.
🎯 The ability to upgrade your Subscription plan is unavailable if your account is overdue.
- Within e-PayDay Go, select Administration.
- Select Subscription.
- Select Change.
- The Plan Change page is displayed. Select, Select for the Edition suitable to your requirements.
- Enter the relevant Card Details, including the Expiry Date and CVC, then select Pay.
- Select Go to Subscription to navigate back to the Subscription Information Page.
Downgrade your e-PayDay Go Subscription Plan.
🎯 The ability to downgrade your Subscription plan is unavailable if your account is overdue.
🎯 The ability to downgrade to FREEPAY is unavailable once you have established a paid plan.
🎯 As the downgrade is applied immediately, please do not complete the procedure below until the day before your next payment date. We are amending this functionality in a future release.
- Within e-PayDay Go, select Administration.
- Select Subscription.
- Select Change.
- The Plan Change page is displayed. Choose Select beneath the Edition suitable to your requirements.
- Select Continue to proceed with downgrading your plan.
- Select Go to Subscription to navigate back to the Subscription Information Page.
Change your Plan Level from Essential to Advanced
🎯 The ability to upgrade your Subscription Plan Level is unavailable if your account is overdue.
- Within e-PayDay Go, select Administration.
- Select Subscription.
- Select Advanced.
- The Subscription Information page is displayed;
- Enter the relevant Card Details, including the Expiry Date and CVC, then select Pay.
- If your payment is successful, select Go to Subscription, to navigate back to the Subscription Information Page.
Change your Plan Level from Advanced to Essential
🎯 The ability to downgrade your Subscription Plan Level is unavailable if your account is overdue.
- Within e-PayDay Go, select Administration.
- Select Subscription.
- Select Essential.
- Either the Changing Plan Level Alert (Modal) or Cannot Change Plan Level Alert (Modal) is displayed;
- If the Changing Plan Level Alert (Modal) is displayed, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.
- If Yes was selected, Your Plan Information will be updated. You will continue to have access to all features included in the Advanced Plan until the date specified.