Dec 17, 2024
🎯 The ability to delete a Deduction from Variable Deduction Banking and Repayments is only available if this transaction has not been included in a Posted Pay Run.
🎯 To stop a Deduction from being processed, please add a Total Due amount equal to the Total Paid amount per Enter a Total Due amount for a Deduction in Variable Deduction Banking and Repayments for a specific Payee.
Select Payees.
Locate the Payee you require by manually scrolling through the Payee List, entering the name into Search or using Show Advanced Filters.
Once the Payee has been located, select Actions > Edit.
Select Employment and Payment.
Navigate to Variable Deduction Banking and Repayments.
Locate the Deduction you need to remove, then select Delete.
As the Deduction has been saved previously, the Delete Icon will update to Undo, allowing you to reverse the changes. The Deduction will not be deleted until Save is selected.
Repeat the above process to remove all required Deductions, then select Save.