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IMPORTANT UPDATE: The e-PayDay Go Payroll App has changed to
Home > Pay Types > Pay Types - Allowances (Reportable)
Pay Types - Allowances (Reportable)
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Pay Types - Allowances (Reportable)

🎯 If you are unsure if these Allowances apply to your circumstances, please refer to the Payee's Employment Contract or obtain advice from the Australian Taxation Office or Fair Work Ombudsman.

With Single Touch Payroll Phase 2, there have been significant changes to the reporting of Allowances. In STP Phase 1, some Allowances were reported as part of Gross, and others were reported separately. All Allowances are now reported separately using the following codes in STP Phase 2: Please refer to the ATO for detailed guidance for separately reported Allowance Types.


STP Phase 1 Code STP Phase 1 Description STP Phase 2 Type Code STP Phase 2 Description
CAR Car expense. CD Cents per Kilometre.
TRANSPORT Award Transport. AD Award Transport Payments.
LAUNDRY Laundry Allowance. LD Laundry Allowance.
MEALS Overtime Meal Allowance. MD Overtime Meal Allowance.
TRAVEL Travel Allowance. RD Travel Allowance.
OTHER Other Allowance. OD Other Allowances.
    TD Tool Allowance.
    KN Task Allowances.
    QN Qualification Allowances.
There are forty-three Allowances in the Reportable category,
Description W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments);     Taxable OTE (SGAA) Allowance Type Code (PAYEVNTEMP7) Other Allowance Description (PAYEVNTEMP8) Reported as

Award Transport Allowance

Yes No No AD   Allowances*

Car - Cents per Kilometre (≤ Approved Rate & ≤ ATO Measure)

Yes No No CD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Car - Cents per Kilometre (≤ Approved Rate & > ATO Measure) (S&W) Yes Yes No CD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Car - Cents per Kilometre (≤ Approved Rate & > ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE) Yes Yes Yes CD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Car - Cents per Kilometre (> Approved Rate & ≤ ATO Measure) (S&W) Yes Yes No CD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Car - Cents per Kilometre (> Approved Rate & ≤ ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE) Yes Yes Yes CD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Car - Cents per Kilometre (> Approved Rate & > ATO Measure) (S&W) Yes Yes No CD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Car - Cents per Kilometre (> Approved Rate & > ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE) Yes Yes Yes CD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Supplemental, Industry, Disability, Tasks, Activities and Skill Level Allowance (S&W) Yes Yes No KN   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Supplemental, Industry, Disability, Tasks, Activities and Skill Level Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Yes Yes Yes KN   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Laundry Allowance (Approved Uniform, ≤ ATO Measure) Yes No No LD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Laundry Allowance (Approved Uniform, > ATO Measure)  (S&W & OTE)

Yes Yes Yes LD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Overtime Meals Allowance (> ATO Measure)

Yes Yes No MD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Laundry Allowance (Conventional Clothing) (S&W & OTE) Yes Yes Yes OD General Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Overseas Accommodation Allowance (S&W) Yes Yes No OD General Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Overseas Accommodation Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Yes Yes Yes OD General Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Home Office Allowance (S&W) Yes Yes No OD Home Office Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Home Office Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Yes Yes Yes OD Home Office Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Award Transport or Fares Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W)

Yes Yes No OD Non-deductible Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Award Transport or Fares Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE) Yes Yes Yes OD Non-deductible Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Domestic Travel Allowance (Non-LAFH / Private Purposes) (S&W) Yes Yes No OD Non-deductible Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Domestic Travel Allowance (Non-LAFH / Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE) Yes Yes Yes OD Non-deductible Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Laundry Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE) Yes Yes Yes OD Non-deductible Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Overseas Accommodation Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W) Yes Yes No OD Non-deductible Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Overseas Accommodation Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE) Yes Yes Yes OD Non-deductible Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Overseas Meals & Incidentals Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W) Yes Yes No OD Non-deductible Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Overseas Meals & Incidentals Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE) Yes Yes Yes OD Non-deductible Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Other Vehicle - Cents per Kilometre (S&W) Yes Yes No OD Private Vehicle Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Other Vehicle - Cents per Kilometre (S&W & OTE)

Yes Yes Yes OD Private Vehicle Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Award Transport or Fares Allowance (S&W) Yes Yes No OD Transport/Fares Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Award Transport or Fares Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Yes Yes Yes OD Transport/Fares Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Private Purpose - Cents per Kilometre (S&W) Yes Yes No OD C/Km Home to Office Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Private Purpose - Cents per Kilometre (S&W & OTE)

Yes Yes Yes OD C/Km Home to Office Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Uniform or Grooming Allowance (S&W) Yes Yes No OD Uniform Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Uniform or Grooming Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Yes Yes Yes OD Uniform Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Qualifications, Certificates, Licence Fees and Insurance Allowance (S&W) Yes Yes No QN   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Qualifications, Certificates, Licence Fees and Insurance Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Yes Yes Yes QN   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Domestic Travel Allowance (> ATO Measure) (S&W) Yes Yes No RD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Domestic Travel Allowance (> ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE) Yes Yes Yes RD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Overseas Meals & Incidentals Allowance (> ATO Measure) (S&W) Yes Yes No RD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Overseas Meals & Incidentals Allowance (> ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE)

Yes Yes Yes RD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)
Tools Allowance (S&W) Yes Yes No TD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)

Tools Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Yes Yes Yes TD   Allowances* (PAYEVNTEMP226)


For the Allowances that are considered Taxable, PAYGW is calculated per the applicable Taxation Schedule (Tax Scale) based on the Payees Tax Treatment & Tax Treatment Code,


Payee Tax Treatment PAYGW is calculated per

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 1 (NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 2 (NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 2, TFN 333-333-333 ((NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 5 (NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 6 (NAT 1004)

Seniors and Pensioners

Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (Full Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Member of a Couple (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Member of an Illness Separated Couple (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Member of an Illness Separated Couple (Full Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Member of an Illness Separated Couple (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Single (Full Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Single (Half Medicare Levy Exemption) (NAT 4466)

Schedule 9 – Single (NAT 4466)

Working Holiday Maker

Schedule 15 - Working Holiday Maker (NAT 75331)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 3 (NAT 1004)

Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 4 (NAT 1004)




Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 4 (NAT 1004)

Foreign Resident Schedule 1 – Tax Scale 3 (NAT 1004)
Seasonal Worker Programme Seasonal Worker Programme and Pacific Labour Scheme
Horticulturists and Shearers Schedule 2 – Tax table for individuals employed in the horticultural or shearing industry (NAT 1013)

Reportable Allowances Explained.

Award Transport Allowance

Award Transport Allowance applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle, where there is evidence of traceability between the current Award/industrial instrument the Payee is employed under to a historical award/industrial instrument that was in force on 29 October 1986. 


For example, under the Stevedoring Industry Award 2020 [MA000053], a Grade 7 Stevedoring Payee is entitled to a Vehicle Allowance of $77.98 per week.


Rather than being reported as Transport (STP Phase 1), these payments are now reported under Allowance Type Code = AD per the Australian Taxation Office Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 guidance.


Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments); however, they are not Taxable or OTE (SGAA).

Award Transport or Fares Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W)

Award Transport or Fares Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for the private use of their private vehicle or fees for private/public transport, where there is no evidence of traceability between the current Award/industrial instrument the Payee is employed under to a historical award/industrial instrument that was in force on 29 October 1986.


For example, under the 

Award Transport or Fares Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for the private use of their private vehicle or fees for private/public transport, where there is no evidence of traceability between the current Award/industrial instrument the Payee is employed under to a historical award/industrial instrument that was in force on 29 October 1986.


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Award Transport or Fares Allowance (S&W)

Award Transport or Fares Allowance (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle or fees for private/public transport, where there is no evidence of traceability between the current Award/industrial instrument the Payee is employed under to a historical award/industrial instrument that was in force on 29 October 1986.


For example, under the; 

  • Real Estate Industry Award 2020 [MA000106]. Where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid a weekly standing charge allowance of $81.67 for a Motor Vehicle up to and including 1600cc.
  • Children’s Services Award 2010 [MA000120]. Where a Payee is directed to work away from their normal place of work on any day, they will be paid an allowance of $13.73 per day to compensate for excess fares.

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Award Transport or Fares Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Award Transport or Fares Allowance (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle or fees for private/public transport, where there is no evidence of traceability between the current Award/industrial instrument the Payee is employed under to a historical award/industrial instrument that was in force on 29 October 1986.


For example, under the; 

  • Real Estate Industry Award 2020 [MA000106], where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid a weekly standing charge allowance of $81.67 for a Motor Vehicle up to and including 1600cc.
  • Children’s Services Award 2010 [MA000120], where a Payee is directed to work away from their normal place of work on any day, they will be paid an allowance of $13.73 per day to compensate for excess fares.

Car - Cents per Kilometre (≤ Approved Rate & ≤ ATO Measure) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle which satisfies the vehicle definition test, where they are paid at the approved (or a lower) rate and have travelled less than or equal to 5,000 kilometres.


For example, under the; 

  • Australian Government Industry Award 2016 [MA000153]. Where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid 68 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties.
  • Real Estate Industry Award 2020 [MA000106]. Where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid 13 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties each for a Motor Vehicle up to and including 1600cc.

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments); however, they are not Taxable or OTE (SGAA).

Car - Cents per Kilometre (≤ Approved Rate & > ATO Measure) (S&W)

Car - Cents per Kilometre (≤ Approved Rate & > ATO Measure) (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle which satisfies the vehicle definition test, where they are paid at the approved (or a lower) rate and have travelled more than 5,000 kilometres.


For example, under the; 

  • Australian Government Industry Award 2016 [MA000153], where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid 68 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties.
  • Real Estate Industry Award 2020 [MA000106], where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid 13 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties each for a Motor Vehicle up to and including 1600cc.

Car - Cents per Kilometre (> Approved Rate & ≤ ATO Measure) (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle which satisfies the vehicle definition test, where they are paid more than the approved rate and have travelled less than or equal to 5,000 kilometres.


For example, under the; 

  • Australian Government Industry Award 2016 [MA000153]. Where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid 68 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties.
  • Real Estate Industry Award 2020 [MA000106]. Where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid 13 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties each for a Motor Vehicle up to and including 1600cc.

Car - Cents per Kilometre (> Approved Rate & > ATO Measure) (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle which satisfies the vehicle definition test, where they are paid more than the approved rate and have travelled more than 5,000 kilometres.


For example, under the; 

Car - Cents per Kilometre (≤ Approved Rate & > ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle which satisfies the vehicle definition test, where they are paid at the approved (or a lower) rate and have travelled more than 5,000 kilometres.


For example, under the; 

  • Australian Government Industry Award 2016 [MA000153]. Where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid 68 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties.
  • Real Estate Industry Award 2020 [MA000106]. Where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid 13 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties for a Motor Vehicle up to and including 1600cc.

Car - Cents per Kilometre (> Approved Rate & ≤ ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle which satisfies the vehicle definition test, where they are paid more than the approved (or a lower) rate and have travelled less than or equal to 5,000 kilometres.


For example, under the; 

  • Australian Government Industry Award 2016 [MA000153]: Where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business purposes, they will be paid 68 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties.
  • Real Estate Industry Award 2020 [MA000106]: Where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business purposes, they will be paid 13 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties each for a Motor Vehicle up to and including 1600cc.

Car - Cents per Kilometre (> Approved Rate & > ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle which satisfies the vehicle definition test, where they are paid more than the approved rate and have travelled more than 5,000 kilometres.


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Domestic Travel Allowance (> ATO Measure) (S&W)

Domestic Travel Allowance (> ATO Measure) (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for their accommodation, meals and incidentals when travelling domestically, where the Payee sleeps away from home for business purposes, which is more than the ATO Measure. However, the Payer has deemed the amount payable not fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent).


For example, under the; 

Domestic Travel Allowance (> ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for their accommodation, meals and incidentals when travelling domestically, where the Payee sleeps away from home for business purposes, which is more than the ATO Measure. However, the Payer has deemed the amount payable not fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent).


For example, under the; 

Domestic Travel Allowance (Non-LAFH / Private Purposes) (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for accommodation, meals, and incidentals when travelling domestically, where the Payee does not sleep away from home or for private purposes.


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Domestic Travel Allowance (Non-LAFH / Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE)

Domestic Travel Allowance (Non-LAFH / Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for their accommodation, meals and incidentals when travelling domestically, where the Payee does not sleep away from home or for private purposes.


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Home Office Allowance (S&W)

Home Office Allowance (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private internet or mobile phone, which the Payer has deemed not to have been fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent).


For example, under the; 

  • Real Estate Industry Award 2020 [MA000106]. The Payer and Payee must agree in writing on the amount of reasonable reimbursement payable by the employer to the employee for the use of the employee’s mobile phone in the course of employment, provided that such reimbursement must not be less than 50% of the cost of the employee’s monthly mobile phone plan, up to a maximum monthly phone plan of $100.00.
  • Commercial Sales Award [MA000083]. Where an employee does not have a telephone, modem or broadband connection and, at the employer's written request, the employee must have such equipment, the employer must reimburse the reasonable cost of purchase, installation and rental of this equipment.

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Home Office Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Home Office Allowance (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private internet or mobile phone, which the Payer has deemed not to be fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent).


For example, under the; 

  • Real Estate Industry Award 2020 [MA000106]. The Payer and Payee must agree in writing on the amount of reasonable reimbursement payable by the employer to the employee for the use of the employee’s mobile phone in the course of employment, provided that such reimbursement must not be less than 50% of the cost of the employee’s monthly mobile phone plan, up to a maximum monthly phone plan of $100.00.
  • Commercial Sales Award [MA000083]. Where an employee does not have a telephone, modem or broadband connection and, at the employer's written request, the employee must have such equipment, the employer must reimburse the reasonable cost of purchase, installation and rental of this equipment.

Laundry Allowance (Approved Uniform, ≤ ATO Measure) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for laundering their approved uniform equal to or less than the ATO Measure.


For example, under the; 

  • Fast Food Industry Award 2010 [MA000003]. If the Payee is required to launder any special uniform, dress, or other clothing, a full-time Payee will be paid $6.25 per week, whereas a part-time or casual Payee will be paid $1.25 per shift.
  • General Retail Industry Award 2020 [MA000004]. If the Payee is required to launder any special uniform, dress, or other clothing, a full-time Payee will be paid $6.25 per week, whereas a part-time or casual Payee will be paid $1.25 per shift.

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments); however, they are not Taxable or OTE (SGAA).

Laundry Allowance (Approved Uniform, > ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE)

Laundry Allowance (Approved Uniform, > ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for laundering their approved uniform that is more than the ATO Measure.


For example, under the; 

  • Fast Food Industry Award 2010 [MA000003]. If the Payee is required to launder any special uniform, dress, or other clothing, a full-time Payee will be paid $6.25 per week, whereas a part-time or casual Payee will be paid $1.25 per shift.
  • General Retail Industry Award 2020 [MA000004]. If the Payee is required to launder any special uniform, dress, or other clothing, a full-time Payee will be paid $6.25 per week, whereas a part-time or casual Payee will be paid $1.25 per shift.

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Laundry Allowance (Conventional Clothing) (S&W & OTE)

Laundry Allowance (Conventional Clothing) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for Conventional clothing.


For example, under the Australian Federal Police Enterprise Award 2016 [MA000142], a police employee who is required to wear plain clothes for the performance of his or her normal duties or is directed by the Commissioner to perform duties in plain clothes shall be paid an allowance at the rate of $1267 per annum for the purchase of articles of civilian clothing.


Laundry Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for laundering other clothing items.


Other Vehicle - Cents per Kilometre (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle, which does not satisfy the vehicle definition test. However, the Payer deemed that the amount payable has not been fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent).


For example, under the Fire Fighting Industry Award 2020 [MA000111] and Real Estate Industry Award 2020 [MA000106]where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid 27 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties each for a Motorcycle.


Other Vehicle - Cents per Kilometre (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for business use of their private vehicle, which does not satisfy the vehicle definition test. However, the Payer deemed that the amount payable has not been fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent).


For example, under the Fire Fighting Industry Award 2020 [MA000111] and Real Estate Industry Award 2020 [MA000106]where a Payee is required to use their private vehicle for business use, they will be paid 27 cents for each kilometre travelled in performing their duties each for a Motorcycle.


Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Overseas Accommodation Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W)

Overseas Accommodation Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for accommodation when travelling internationally and sleeping away from home for private purposes.


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Overseas Accommodation Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE)

Overseas Accommodation Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for their accommodation when travelling internationally, where the Payee sleeps away from home for private purposes.


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Overseas Accommodation Allowance (S&W)

Overseas Accommodation Allowance (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for their accommodation when travelling internationally, where the Payee sleeps away from home for business purposes.


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Overseas Accommodation Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Overseas Accommodation Allowance (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for their accommodation when travelling internationally, where the Payee sleeps away from home for business purposes.


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Overseas Meals & Incidentals Allowance (> ATO Measure) (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for meals and incidentals when travelling internationally for business purposes, which is more than the ATO Measure.


For example, under the;

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Overseas Meals & Incidentals Allowance (> ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE)

Overseas Meals & Incidentals Allowance (> ATO Measure) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for meals and incidentals when travelling internationally for business purposes, which is more than the ATO Measure.


For example, under the;

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Overseas Accommodation Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W)

Overseas Accommodation Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for meals and incidentals when travelling internationally for private purposes.


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Overseas Meals and Incidentals Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE)

Overseas Meals and Incidentals Allowance (Private Purposes) (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for meals and incidentals when travelling internationally for private purposes.


For example, under the; 

Overtime Meals Allowance (> ATO Measure) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for a meal break when overtime is worked, paid less than or equal to the ATO Measure.


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Private Purpose - Cents per Kilometre (S&W)

Private Purpose - Cents per Kilometre (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for the private use of their private vehicle, which satisfies the vehicle definition test.


For example, under the; 

  • Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award 2020 [MA000025]. The Payer must pay the Payee a motor vehicle allowance of 80 cents per kilometre as compensation for expenses where the Payee, by agreement with their Payer, uses their own motor vehicle for the distance of the employee’s journey where the employee is recalled to work overtime after leaving their employer’s business.
  • Building and Construction General On-site Award 2020 [MA000020]. The Payer must pay the Payee a motor vehicle allowance of 48 cents per kilometre as compensation for expenses where the Payee is required to travel to a construction site that is not located in a metropolitan radial area in which the employee’s usual place of residence is located and more than 50 kms by road from the employee’s usual place of residence.

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Private Purpose - Cents per Kilometre (S&W & OTE)

Private Purpose - Cents per Kilometre (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for the private use of their private vehicle, which satisfies the vehicle definition test.


For example, under the; 

  • Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award 2020 [MA000025]. The Payer must pay the Payee a motor vehicle allowance of 80 cents per kilometre as compensation for expenses where the Payee, by agreement with their Payer, uses their own motor vehicle for the distance of the employee’s journey where the employee is re-called to work overtime after leaving their employer’s business.
  • Building and Construction General On-site Award 2020 [MA000020]. The Payer must pay the Payee a motor vehicle allowance of 48 cents per kilometre as compensation for expenses where the Payee is required to travel to a construction site that is not located in a metropolitan radial area in which the employee’s usual place of residence is located and more than 50 km by road from the employee’s usual place of residence.

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Qualifications, Certificates, Licence Fees and Insurance Allowance (S&W)

Qualifications, Certificates, Licence Fees and Insurance Allowance (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to allowance Qualifications/Certificates, Licence Fees or Insurance, which the Payer deems that the amount payable has not been fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent). For example, under the 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Qualifications, Certificates, Licence Fees and Insurance Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Qualifications, Certificates, Licence Fees and Insurance Allowance (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance Qualifications/Certificates, Licence Fees or Insurance, which the Payer deemed that the amount payable has not been fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent). For example, under the 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Supplemental, Industry, Disability, Tasks, Activities and Skill Level Allowance (S&W)

Supplemental, Industry, Disability, Tasks, Activities and Skill Level Allowance (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for Supplemental/Industry, Disability (Working Conditions), Tasks/Activities or Skill Level. For example, under the

  • Joinery and Building Trades Award 2020 [MA000029]. A leading hand in charge of one or more people must be paid the Leading Hand Allowance in addition to the minimum rate for the highest classification supervised or their minimum rate, whichever is higher.
  • Airline Operations—Ground Staff Award 2020 [MA000048], if significant disabilities occur for a period of two weeks or more because of construction, reconstruction, alteration, major repair, or similar work at or in the immediate vicinity of the premises in which the Payees are required to work, the Payees will be paid a Disability Allowance from the date of the application.
  • Cleaning Services Award 2020 [MA000022]. A Payee who has current first aid qualifications and training, such as a certificate from St John Ambulance Australia or a similar body, and is appointed in writing by the Payer to perform first aid duty. The Payee will be paid a First Aid Allowance.

  • Food, Beverage, and Tobacco Manufacturing Award 2020 [MA000073], a payee who is required to drive a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of more than 3 tonnes must be paid while they are engaged in such work.

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Supplemental, Industry, Disability, Tasks, Activities and Skill Level Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Supplemental, Industry, Disability, Tasks, Activities and Skill Level Allowance (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for Supplemental/Industry, Disability (Working Conditions), Tasks/Activities or Skill Level. For example, under the

  • Joinery and Building Trades Award 2020 [MA000029]. A leading hand in charge of one or more people must be paid the Leading Hand Allowance in addition to the minimum rate for the highest classification supervised or their minimum rate, whichever is higher.
  • Airline Operations—Ground Staff Award 2020 [MA000048], if significant disabilities occur for a period of two weeks or more because of construction, reconstruction, alteration, major repair, or similar work at or in the immediate vicinity of the premises in which the Payees are required to work, the Payees will be paid a Disability Allowance from the date of the application.
  • Cleaning Services Award 2020 [MA000022]. A Payee who has current first aid qualifications and training, such as a certificate from St John Ambulance Australia or a similar body, and is appointed in writing by the Payer to perform first aid duty. The Payee will be paid a First Aid Allowance.

  • Food, Beverage, and Tobacco Manufacturing Award 2020 [MA000073], a payee who is required to drive a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of more than 3 tonnes must be paid while they are engaged in such work.

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Tools Allowance (S&W)

Tools Allowance (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for tools of the trade, where the Payer deemed that the amount payable has not been fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent).


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Tools Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Tools Allowance (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for tools of the trade, where the Payer deemed that the amount payable has not been fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent).


For example, under the; 

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

Uniform or Grooming Allowance (S&W)

Uniform or Grooming Allowance (S&W) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance as the employer requires them to wear a specific uniform, where the Payer deemed that the amount payable has not been fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent).


For example, under the; 

  • Aged Care Award 2010 [MA000018]. Instead of providing such uniforms, the Payer may, by agreement with the Payee, pay a uniform allowance at the rate of $1.23 per shift or part thereof on duty or $6.24 per week, whichever is the lesser amount. 
  • Aircraft Cabin Crew Award 2020 [MA000047]. A full-time or part-time regional cabin crew member must be paid a uniform and grooming allowance of $152.13 per month. Casual regional cabin crew members must be paid a uniform and grooming allowance of $7.00 per day worked.

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) and Taxable; however, they are not OTE (SGAA).

Uniform or Grooming Allowance (S&W & OTE)

Uniform or Grooming Allowance (S&W & OTE) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance as the employer requires them to wear a specific uniform, where the Payer deemed that the amount payable has not been fully expended (the amount of money provided to cover the expense has not been completely spent).


For example, under the; 

  • Aged Care Award 2010 [MA000018]. Instead of the provision of such uniforms, the Payer may, by agreement with the Payee, pay a uniform allowance at the rate of $1.23 per shift or part thereof on duty or $6.24 per week, whichever is the lesser amount. 
  • Aircraft Cabin Crew Award 2020 [MA000047]. A full-time or part-time regional cabin crew member must be paid a uniform and grooming allowance of $152.13 per month. Casual regional cabin crew members must be paid a uniform and grooming allowance of $7.00 per day worked.

Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Allowance and are considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments) Taxable and OTE (SGAA).

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