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Home > Organisation > Organisation (Legal Entity) FAQ's > Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) Details
Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) Details
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Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) Details.

  1. Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) ABN or WPN.
  2. Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) GST Branch Number.
  3. Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) Name.
  4. Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) Physical Address.
  5. Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) Contact Details.
  6. Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) Logo.

Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) ABN or WPN.

🎯 The ability to change the ABN or WPN is disabled once an STP Submission has been sent to the ATO. If your ABN or WPN has been incorrectly reported, please refer to STP Reporting under an incorrect ABN or WPN.


  1. Select Organisation.
  2. Select either ABN or WPN and update as required.
  3. Select Save.

Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) GST Branch Number.

🎯 The ability to change the GAST Branch number is disabled once an STP Submission has been sent to the ATO. If your GST Branch Number has been incorrectly reported, please refer to STP Reporting under an incorrect GST Branch Number.


🎯 The Branch will always be the number 1 unless you have registered for a GST Branch Number.


  1. Select Organisation.
  2. Update the GST Branch number as required.
  3. Select Save.

Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) Name.

  1. Select Organisation.
  2. Update the Organisation Name (Legal Entity) as required, per ABN Lookup.
  3. Select Save.

Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) Physical Address.

  1. Select Organisation.
  2. Update the following fields as required,
    1. Address Line 1
    2. Address Line 2
    3. Suburb/Town
    4. State/Territory
  3. Select Save.

Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) Contact Details.

  1. Select Organisation.
  2. Update the following fields as required,
    1. Email
    2. Phone (Business Hours)
  3. Select Save.

Change the Organisation (Legal Entity) Logo.

  1. Select Organisation.
  2. Navigate to the Logo and select the

    1. Upload button to add a new logo or update the existing one.

      1. The Windows folder browser will automatically open. Navigate to where your Company Logo is stored, select it, and then select Open.

      2. Your Organisation's Logo will then be displayed.

    2. Delete button to remove the Logo.

  3. Select Save.

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