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Home > Reports > Reports FAQ's > Generate a Report
Generate a Report
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Generate a Report

  1. Select Reports from the Side Navigation Menu.
  2. Select the Report you require from the drop-down list.
    1. Allowances List
    2. Allowance Transactions (Grouped by Allowance)
    3. Allowance Transactions (Grouped by Payee)
    4. Deductions List
    5. Deduction Transactions (Grouped by Deduction)
    6. Deduction Transactions (Grouped by Payee)
    7. Deduction Transactions (Reportable Fringe Benefits) (Grouped By Deduction)
    8. Deduction Transactions (Reportable Fringe Benefits) (Grouped By Payee)
    9. Deduction Transactions (Variable) (Grouped By Deduction)
    10. Deduction Transactions (Variable) (Grouped By Payee)
    11. FBT List
    12. Pay Rates List
    13. Pay Rate Transactions (Grouped by Payee)
    14. Pay Rate Transactions (Grouped by Pay Rate)
    15. Awards/Agreements Allocation
    16. Awards/Agreements List
    17. Awards/Agreements Update History
    18. Cost Centres List
    19. Cost Centre Summary
    20. Cost Centre Transactions (Grouped By Cost Centre)
    21. Cost Centre Transactions (Grouped By Payee)
    22. Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (All Leave Types)
    23. Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Annual Leave)
    24. Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Leave - Other)
    25. Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Long Service Leave)
    26. Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Rostered Days Off)
    27. Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Sick & Carer's Leave)
    28. Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Time Off In Lieu)
    29. Leave Accrual (All Leave Types)
    30. Leave Accrual (Annual Leave)
    31. Leave Accrual (Leave - Other)
    32. Leave Accrual (Long Service Leave)
    33. Leave Accrual (Rostered Days Off)
    34. Leave Accrual (Sick & Carer's Leave)
    35. Leave Accrual (Time Off In Lieu)
    36. Leave Liability (All Leave Types)
    37. Leave Liability (Annual Leave)
    38. Leave Liability (Leave - Other)
    39. Leave Liability (Long Service Leave)
    40. Leave Liability (Rostered Days Off)
    41. Leave Liability (Sick & Carer's Leave)
    42. Leave Liability (Time Off In Lieu)
    43. Leave Register
    44. Payee Balances (Allowances ATO STP2 Summary)
    45. Payee Balances (ATO STP2 Summary)
    46. Payee Balances (Deductions ATO STP2 Summary
    47. Payee Balances (Deductions and Super ATO STP2 Summary)
    48. Payee Balances (ETP ATO STP2 Summary)
    49. Payee Balances (Fringe Benefits Tax ATO STP2 Summary)
    50. Payee Balances (Lump Sum ATO STP2 Summary)
    51. Payee Balances (Paid Leave ATO STP2 Summary)
    52. Payee Balances (Salary Sacrifice ATO STP2 Summary)
    53. Payee Balances
    54. Payee Comments & Reminders
    55. Payee Contact Details (Address Book)
    56. Payee Emergency Contacts
    57. Payee Master File
    58. Payees List (Cost Centre, Payroll Tax and Portable Long Service Leave Allocations)
    59. Payees List (Portable Long Service Leave)
    60. Payees List
    61. Payee Transactions
    62. Payee Update History (Leave Balances)
    63. Payee Update History (Leave Entitlements)
    64. Payee Update History (Payment)
    65. Cash Disbursements 
    66. EFT Disbursements 
    67. FAST-Bank Disbursements 
    68. Pay Advice Slip
    69. Pay Advice Slip (Simple)
    70. Pay Advice Summary 
    71. Payee Ordinary Time Hours Summary
    72. Payee Overtime Hours Summary
    73. Payee Signature List
    74. Payroll Summary 
    75. Pay Run Analysis (Detailed) (Grouped by Pay Location / Department)
    76. Pay Run Analysis (Detailed)
    77. Pay Run Analysis (Detailed) Summary
    78. Pay Run Analysis (Grouped by Pay Location / Department)
    79. Pay Run Analysis 
    80. Pay Run Analysis (Simple) (Grouped by Pay Location / Department)
    81. Pay Run Analysis (Simple) 
    82. Pay Run Analysis (Simple) Summary
    83. Pay Run Analysis Summary
    84. Timesheet (Individual Payee)
    85. Timesheet
    86. Timesheets (Pay Type Allocation)
    87. Payee Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Fund)
    88. Payee Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Payee)
    89. Payer Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Fund)
    90. Payer Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Payee)
    91. Superannuation Contributions Summary
    92. Superannuation Funds List
    93. Total Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Fund)
    94. Total Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Payee)
    95. Gross Pay & Total PAYGW
    96. Payroll Tax (SRO) (Non Taxable Wages)
    97. Payroll Tax (SRO)
    98. Portable Long Service Leave Employer Return (QLD)
    99. Wages Declaration (WorkCover)
    100. Withholding Tax
  3. To print the report, select Print.
  4. To export the report, select Export. Then, select the appropriate option.

Allowances List 

  1. Select the  Allowances List Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, change the Report Options, allowing you to choose 
    1. Pay Types/Groups allows you to choose which Allowances you want to see in the Report.
    2. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Allowance Transactions (Grouped by Allowance)

  1. Select the Allowance Transactions (Grouped by Allowance) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Types/Groups allows you to choose which Allowances you want to see in the Report.
    4. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    5. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    6. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    7. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Allowance Transactions (Grouped by Payee)

  1. Select the Allowance Transactions (Grouped by Payee) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Types/Groups allows you to choose which Allowances you want to see in the Report.
    4. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    5. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    6. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    7. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Deductions List

  1. Select the  Deductions List Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, change the Report Options, allowing you to choose 
    1. Pay Types/Groups allows you to choose which Deductions you want to see in the Report.
    2. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Deduction Transactions (Grouped by Deduction)

  1. Select the Deduction Transactions (Grouped by Deduction) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Deduction Transactions (Grouped by Payee)

  1. Select the Deduction Transactions (Grouped by Payee) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Deduction Transactions (Reportable Fringe Benefits) (Grouped By Deduction)

Deduction Transactions (Reportable Fringe Benefits) (Grouped By Payee)

Deduction Transactions (Variable) (Grouped By Deduction)

Deduction Transactions (Variable) (Grouped By Payee)

FBT List

Pay Rates List

  1. Select the  Pay Rates List Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, change the Report Options, allowing you to choose 
    1. Pay Types/Groups allows you to choose which Pay Rates you want to see in the Report.
    2. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Pay Rate Transactions (Grouped by Payee)

  1. Select the Pay Rate Transactions (Grouped by Payee) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, change the Report Options.
    1. Select Pay Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Pay Period setting (e.g., Monthly Payees only).
    2. Select Cost Centres to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Cost Centre setting (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    3. Select Pay Types/Group to generate the report for a segment of Pay Types (e.g., Casual Loading (OTE) only).
    4. Select Payees to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Status setting (e.g., Ceased Payees only).
    5. Select Report Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on the required date (e.g., Previous Month or Specific Date Range).
    6. Select Sort Criteria to sort the information displayed in the Report based on various options (e.g., Payee Code in Descending Order).

Pay Rate Transactions (Grouped by Pay Rate)

  1. Select the Pay Rate Transactions (Grouped by Pay Rate) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, change the Report Options.
    1. Select Pay Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Pay Period setting (e.g., Monthly Payees only).
    2. Select Cost Centres to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Cost Centre setting (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    3. Select Pay Types/Group to generate the report for a segment of Pay Types (e.g., Casual Loading (OTE) only).
    4. Select Payees to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Status setting (e.g., Ceased Payees only).
    5. Select Report Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on the required date (e.g., Previous Month or Specific Date Range).
    6. Select Sort Criteria to sort the information displayed in the Report based on various options (e.g., Payee Code in Descending Order).

Awards/Agreements Allocation

  1. Select the Awards/Agreements Allocation Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options, to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Awards/Agreements List

  1. Select the Awards/Agreements List Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Sort Criteria to sort the information displayed in the Report based on various options (e.g., Payee Code in Descending Order).

Awards/Agreements Update History

  1. Select the Awards/Agreements Update History Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Report Period;
      1. Current Month (Default).
      2. Prior Month and the month you require, then select Update Report.
      3. Specific Date Range and the dates you require, then select Update Report.
      4. Current Financial Year, then select Update Report.
      5. Prior Financial Year and the year you require, then select Update Report.

Cost Centres List

  1. Select the Cost Centres List Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Cost Centres allow you to define which Cost Centres must be included in the Report.
    2. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Cost Centre Summary

Cost Centre Transactions (Grouped By Cost Centre)

Cost Centre Transactions (Grouped By Payee)

Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (All Leave Types)

Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Annual Leave)

Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Leave - Other)

Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Long Service Leave)

Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Rostered Days Off)

Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Sick & Carer's Leave)

Leave Accrual and Liability Summary (Time Off In Lieu)

Leave Accrual (All Leave Types)

  1. Select the Leave Accrual (All Leave Types) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Pay Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Pay Period setting (e.g., Monthly Payees only).
    2. Cost Centres to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Cost Centre setting (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    3. Payees to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Status setting (e.g., Ceased Payees only).
    4. Report Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on the required date (e.g., Previous Month or Specific Date Range).
    5. Sort Criteria to sort the information displayed in the Report based on various options (e.g., Payee Code in Descending Order).

Leave Accrual (Annual Leave)

  1. Select the Leave Accrual (Annual Leave) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Pay Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Pay Period setting (e.g., Monthly Payees only).
    2. Cost Centres to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Cost Centre setting (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    3. Payees to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Status setting (e.g., Ceased Payees only).
    4. Report Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on the required date (e.g., Previous Month or Specific Date Range).
    5. Sort Criteria to sort the information displayed in the Report based on various options (e.g., Payee Code in Descending Order).

Leave Accrual (Leave - Other)

  1. Select the Leave Accrual (Leave - Other) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Pay Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Pay Period setting (e.g., Monthly Payees only).
    2. Cost Centres to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Cost Centre setting (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    3. Payees to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Status setting (e.g., Ceased Payees only).
    4. Report Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on the required date (e.g., Previous Month or Specific Date Range).
    5. Sort Criteria to sort the information displayed in the Report based on various options (e.g., Payee Code in Descending Order).

Leave Accrual (Long Service Leave)

  1. Select the Leave Accrual (Long Service Leave) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Pay Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Pay Period setting (e.g., Monthly Payees only).
    2. Cost Centres to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Cost Centre setting (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    3. Payees to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Status setting (e.g., Ceased Payees only).
    4. Report Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on the required date (e.g., Previous Month or Specific Date Range).
    5. Sort Criteria to sort the information displayed in the Report based on various options (e.g., Payee Code in Descending Order).

Leave Accrual (Rostered Days Off)

  1. Select the Leave Accrual (Rostered Days Off) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Pay Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Pay Period setting (e.g., Monthly Payees only).
    2. Cost Centres to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Cost Centre setting (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    3. Payees to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Status setting (e.g., Ceased Payees only).
    4. Report Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on the required date (e.g., Previous Month or Specific Date Range).
    5. Sort Criteria to sort the information displayed in the Report based on various options (e.g., Payee Code in Descending Order).

Leave Accrual (Sick & Carer's Leave)

  1. Select the Leave Accrual (Sick & Carer's Leave) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Pay Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Pay Period setting (e.g., Monthly Payees only).
    2. Cost Centres to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Cost Centre setting (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    3. Payees to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Status setting (e.g., Ceased Payees only).
    4. Report Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on the required date (e.g., Previous Month or Specific Date Range).
    5. Sort Criteria to sort the information displayed in the Report based on various options (e.g., Payee Code in Descending Order).


Leave Accrual (Time Off In Lieu)

  1. Select the Leave Accrual (Time Off In Lieu) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Pay Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Pay Period setting (e.g., Monthly Payees only).
    2. Cost Centres to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Cost Centre setting (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    3. Payees to generate the report for a group of Payees based on their Status setting (e.g., Ceased Payees only).
    4. Report Period to generate the report for a group of Payees based on the required date (e.g., Previous Month or Specific Date Range).
    5. Sort Criteria to sort the information displayed in the Report based on various options (e.g., Payee Code in Descending Order).

Leave Liability (All Leave Types)

  1. Select the Leave Liability (All Leave Types) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Leave Liability (Annual Leave)

  1. Select the Leave Liability (Annual Leave) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options. to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Leave Liability (Leave - Other)

  1. Select the Leave Liability (Leave - Other) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Leave Liability (Long Service Leave)

  1. Select the Leave Liability (Long Service Leave) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Leave Liability (Rostered Days Off)

  1. Select the Leave Liability (Rostered Days Off) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Leave Liability (Sick & Carer's Leave)

  1. Select the Leave Liability (Sick & Carer's Leave) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Leave Liability (Time Off In Lieu)

  1. Select the Leave Liability (Time Off In Lieu) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Leave Register

  1. Select the Leave Register Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Balances (Allowances ATO STP2 Summary)

  1. Select the Payee Balances (Allowances ATO STP2 Summary) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following; 
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    5. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.


Payee Balances (ATO STP2 Summary)

  1. Select the Payee Balances (ATO STP2 Summary) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following; 
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    5. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Balances (Deductions ATO STP2 Summary)

  1. Select the Payee Balances (Deductions ATO STP2 Summary) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following; 
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    5. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Balances (Deductions and Super ATO STP2 Summary)

  1. Select the Payee Balances (Deductions and Super ATO STP2 Summary) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following; 
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    5. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Balances (ETP ATO STP2 Summary)

  1. Select the Payee Balances (ETP ATO STP2 Summary) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following; 
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    5. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Balances (Fringe Benefits Tax ATO STP2 Summary)

  1. Select the Payee Balances (Fringe Benefits Tax ATO STP2 Summary) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following; 
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    5. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Balances (Lump Sum ATO STP2 Summary)

  1. Select the Payee Balances (Lump Sum ATO STP2 Summary) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following; 
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    5. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Balances (Paid Leave ATO STP2 Summary)

  1. Select the Payee Balances (Paid Leave ATO STP2 Summary) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following; 
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    5. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Balances (Salary Sacrifice ATO STP2 Summary)

  1. Select the Payee Balances (Salary Sacrifice ATO STP2 Summary) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following; 
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    5. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Balances

  1. Select the Payee Balances Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    5. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Comments & Reminders

Payee Contact Details (Address Book)

Payee Emergency Contacts

Payee Master File

  1. Select the Payee Master File Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payees List (Cost Centre, Payroll Tax and Portable Long Service Leave Allocations)

Payees List (Portable Long Service Leave)

Payees List

  1. Select the Payees List Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Transactions

  1. Select the Payee Transactions Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Update History (Leave Balances)

Payee Update History (Leave Entitlements)

Payee Update History (Payment)

Cash Disbursements 

EFT Disbursements 

FAST-Bank Disbursements 

Pay Advice Slip

  1. Select the Pay Advice Slip Report from the drop-down list. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Pay Advice Slip (Simple)

Pay Advice Summary 

Payee Ordinary Time Hours Summary

  1. Select the Payee Ordinary Time Hours Summary Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Overtime Hours Summary

  1. Select the Payee Overtime Hours Summary Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Payee Signature List

Payroll Summary 

Pay Run Analysis (Detailed) (Grouped by Pay Location / Department)

Pay Run Analysis (Detailed)

  1. Select the Pay Run Analysis (Detailed) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Pay Run Analysis (Detailed) Summary

Pay Run Analysis (Grouped by Pay Location / Department)

Pay Run Analysis

  1. Select the Pay Run Analysis Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to choose the following;
    1. Employment allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Monthly Casual Payees).
    2. Payees allow you to define which segment of Payees you want to be included in the Report (e.g., All Ceased Payees).
    3. Pay Location / Department allows you to define which segment of Payees you want included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Sales only).
    4. Cost Centres allow you to define which segment of Payees you would like included in the Report (e.g., Payees assigned to Queensland only).
    5. Report Period allows you to select the date range for which you wish to preview the report.
    6. Sort Criteria allows you to select how to sort the data displayed in the Report.

Pay Run Analysis (Simple) (Grouped by Pay Location / Department)

Pay Run Analysis (Simple) 

Pay Run Analysis (Simple) Summary

Pay Run Analysis Summary

Timesheet (Individual Payee)


Timesheets (Pay Type Allocation)

Payee Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Fund)

  1. Select the Payee Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Fund) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to change the information included in the report and how it is displayed.
    1. Report Period;
      1. Current Month (Default);
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      2. Prior Month;
        1. Choose the month you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      3. Specific Date Range;
        1. Choose the dates you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      4. Current Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      5. Prior Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.

Payee Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Payee)

  1. Select the Payee Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Payee) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to change the information included in the report and how it is displayed.
    1. Report Period;
      1. Current Month (Default);
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      2. Prior Month;
        1. Choose the month you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      3. Specific Date Range;
        1. Choose the dates you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      4. Current Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      5. Prior Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.

Payer Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Fund)

  1. Select the Payer Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Fund) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to change the information included in the report and how it is displayed.
    1. Report Period;
      1. Current Month (Default);
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      2. Prior Month;
        1. Choose the month you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      3. Specific Date Range;
        1. Choose the dates you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      4. Current Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      5. Prior Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.

Payer Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Payee)

  1. Select the Payer Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Payee) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to change the information included in the report and how it is displayed.
    1. Report Period;
      1. Current Month (Default);
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      2. Prior Month;
        1. Choose the month you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      3. Specific Date Range;
        1. Choose the dates you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      4. Current Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      5. Prior Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.

Superannuation Contributions Summary

Superannuation Funds List

  1. Select the  Superannuation Fund List Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, change the Report Options to choose from the following,
    1. Sort Criteria to sort the information displayed based on various options (e.g., Payee Code in Descending Order).

Total Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Fund)

  1. Select the Total Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Fund) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to change the information included in the report and how it is displayed.
    1. Report Period;
      1. Current Month (Default);
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      2. Prior Month;
        1. Choose the month you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      3. Specific Date Range;
        1. Choose the dates you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      4. Current Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      5. Prior Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.

Total Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Payee)

  1. Select the Total Periodic Superannuation Contributions (Grouped by Payee) Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, select Report Options to change the information included in the report and how it is displayed.
    1. Report Period;
      1. Current Month (Default);
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      2. Prior Month;
        1. Choose the month you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      3. Specific Date Range;
        1. Choose the dates you require, then select Update Report.
          1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      4. Current Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.
      5. Prior Financial Year;
        1. Grouped by Pay Period (Default), Month or Quarter.

Gross Pay & Total PAYGW

Payroll Tax (SRO) (Non Taxable Wages)

Payroll Tax (SRO)

Portable Long Service Leave Employer Return (QLD)

Wages Declaration (WorkCover)

Withholding Tax

  1. Select the Withholding Tax Report from the drop-down list.
  2. If required, change the Report Options to define which segment of Payees you need in the Report.
    1. Employment;
    2. Pay Location / Department;

    3. Cost Centres;

    4. Report Period;

      1. Period;

        1. Current Month (Default).

        2. Prior Month.

        3. Specific Date Range.

        4. Current Financial Year.

        5. Prior Financial Year.

      2. Grouped By;

        1. Per Pay Period.

        2. Per Month.

        3. Per Quarter.

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