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e-PayDay Go - Payroll Anytime, Anywhere
Home > e-PayDay Go Explained > Organisation > Organisation (Legal Entity) Explained (Organisation File)
Organisation (Legal Entity) Explained (Organisation File)
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🎯 Organisation (Legal Entity) is the first section within the Organisation (Legal Entity) Master File and details the Organisation's ABN/WPN, Branch Code, Physical Address and contact details.



ABN/WPN defines whether the Payer uses an Australian Business Number or Withholding Payer Number and stores the relevant identifier associated with the Organisation.

🎯 ABN/WPN is disabled once it has been reported via Single Touch Payroll.


Branch defines the GST Branch Number associated with the Australian Business Number of the Organisation.

🎯 Branch is disabled if WPN (Withholding Payer Number) is selected and/or once it has been reported via Single Touch Payroll.


Organisation Name (Legal Entity) defines the Organisation Name as listed on ABN Lookup.


Address defines the physical address, including the Suburb / Town, State, Post Code and Country of the Organisation.


Email defines the Electronic Mail Address for the Organisation.


Send emails in e-PayDay Go from allows you to select if you would like to send pay slips and other notifications from your own e-mail address or [email protected].


Phone (Business Hours) defines the Telephone Contact Number for the Organisation.


Organisation Logo is used to add or delete the Organisation Logo, which will be displayed on all reports and pay slips.

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