Overseas Meals & Incidentals Allowance (≤ ATO Measure)
Overseas Meals & Incidentals Allowance (≤ ATO Measure) applies when the Payee is entitled to an allowance for their meals and incidentals when travelling internationally, for business purposes, equal to or less than the ATO Measure.
For example, under the;
Electrical, Electronic, and Communications Contracting Award 2020 [MA000025]. For all meals not included in the cost of fares or accommodation, the Payee will receive an allowance of $16.41 per meal for distant work.
Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award 2020 [MA000036]. For any meals incurred while travelling, the payee will receive an allowance of $14.08 for distant work.
Payments with this Allowance use the $ (or % of Rate Per Hour) set within the Pay Type, and Leave Entitlements are not applicable. These payments are not considered W1 (Total of Salary, Wages & other payments), Taxable or OTE (SGAA).